Linddana TP 200 PTO
The TP 200 PTO is the handyman of tractor-mounted wood-chippers, it can handle most jobs that you will need on a 40-115hp tractor.
- Tractor-mountable
- Hydraulically-fed disc chipper
- Three knives and three anvils in Hardox 400
- Wood chipping of branches and entire trees up to 200mm
- Cut at an angle of 90 degrees
- TP Pilot stress control
Sometimes the best chipper is the one that is the most versatile. The TP 200 PTO does everything you need from a small scale mobile wood chipper, eating up to 200mm branches and trees, and its for this reason that its Linddana’s best selling model.
- Max Wood Diameter
- Max Opening
H x W = 210 x 265mm
- Operation
Return/forward/stop of feed rollers through operating bar (yellow)
- Sliess Conliol System
TP Pilot for Automatic feeding
- Chipper Principle
- Cutting Angle
90 degrees
- Hopper Placement
- Feed Rollers
2 Horizontal hydraulic rollers
- Rotordisc – Diameter
760mm with changeable end sections of ejector wings
- Rotordisc – Weight in kg
- Number of Knives
- Chip Size
4-10mm (hydraulic adjustable)
- Anvil/Counter Steel
1 Horizontal and 2 Vertical
- Power Required
30-85kw (40-115hp)
540 rpm or 1,000rpm/min.
- PTO Shaft
Walterscheid 2400 series with freewheel, length = 560mm
- 3-Point Linkage
Category 1
- Chip Capacity
6-8 m³/hour (Experience numbers by manual operation)
- Weight
700 kg
- Tool Kit
- Speed Up Gear
Increases the rpm of the liactor from 540 rpm to 1,000 rpm
- Extended Ejector Spout
500 mm vertical • 335 mm vertical • 1,000 mm horizontal
- Silverbreakers
Type A or B – are used if exlia requirements for chip quality is needed
- Light Bar
Light bar with complete set of rear lights